Scallywags Kids Club
presented by
The Scallywags are proud to announce the establishment of the Scallywags Kids Club, presented by Weatherly Insurance Agency.
All kids ages 12 or younger are welcome to join the club. Check out the cool benefits that the kids receive below:
- Free scallywags t-shirt
- Four free game tickets
- Exclusive meet and greet event with the players
- $10 discount towards summer baseball camp
- JOIN FOR FREE, thanks to Weatherly Insurance Agency
Registration Information below:
Please email the following information:
T-Shirt Size: Y_____ or A______
Name:__________________________________ Date of Birth:__
City:____________________________ State:_ Zip:______
Parent/Guardian Name: _____________________________________________
Phone: ______________ Email: ___________________________
At this time, signups for the 2023 season kids club have closed. We appreciate your support and would love to see you at the ballpark!