…Host Families Needed for the 2014 season.
The Outer Banks Daredevils are once again asking our supporters to open up their homes this summer to one of our players or interns. Whether you have served as a host family in the past, or would like to become a host family for the 2014 season, there are host family opportunities available for the upcoming season. If you would like to become a host family, providing room & board to a college baseball player or one of our college interns, please email us your information at daredevilsobx@gmail.com or contact us by phone at (252) 715-3017.
Players will be arriving between May 17, 2014 and May 23, 2014 and will be departing approximately August 15, 2014.
Being a host family is a great opportunity to support the Outer Banks Daredevils while giving a college baseball player or intern the opportunity to gain valuable experience while enjoying the beautiful Outer Banks and North Carolina’s world famous southern hospitality.